Monday, November 21, 2016

An old Nepali man wearing Dhaka Topi

Here's an old Nepali man wearing Dhaka Topi. Roughly start by outlining the sketch and then slowly shading with Charcoal pencil or charcoal stick. For the lighter area use Eraser.

Swayambu Nath

I'm more into Portrait but I tried sketching Swayambu Nath. It is an ancient religious architechture atop a hill in the Kathmandu Valley. Charcoal did the game here as well !!

Sadhu Baba

After a long long time finally I'm here posting my sketch which I made 2 years ago. Here's a portrait of a Sadhu Baba. This shows the culture of Nepal. Before starting this sketch I roughly drew the outline of Sadhu and then slowly gave shading using Charcoal stick. For smudging I used my own hands as it blends everything properly. You can also use cotton if you don't want to mess your hands.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

To get a perfect face structure  for your portrait, it is important to know where the eyes,nose,lips should be.  The eyes are made at the center of the face so the line should be drawn accordingly. Similarly the nose should be below the eyes as seen in above picture. Practice the above pictures before starting your portrait.